Wednesday, September 30, 2009

ODST Review

It's been a while since I posted but ODST is the real deal. It takes place during halo 2 when the master chief is at the delta halo to the beginning of Halo 3 when the chief comes back. I liked playing as a normal human with using better tactics then being a superhuman super-soldier. The flashbacks were placed real-well on that it gave each member of a your squad character development and sense of more then just A.I.'s helping you shoot. The firefight option is amazing; some feel it lacks the matchmaking option in trying to find ppl to fight with but you have had Xbox live for sometime now you should have SOME friends. And if you don't have any friends to speak of join a clan and make new friends. ODST also finishes the last installments to complete the "Road To Recon" mania. Some ppl believe you need ALL the Halo 3 achievements when in fact all you need is the Vidmaster Challenges. A sword is a nice word to have, but the armor is the MAIN IDEA of the sentence. So if you have ODST, play on. If you don't try it out by renting it, Gamefly, Hollywood, Blockbuster, etc., and enjoy you gaming experience no matter what you play. For to game is to have fun. Never forget to have fun. (LAST MAG!!!)

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