Friday, December 11, 2009

Dragonball Raging Blast - Game Report pt.II

Alright, last I left you we were training for the arrive of Vegeta & Nappa. The training was vigorous. First I had to get thru The Training with Gohan and Piccolo. OK, that was HARD! Piccolo really trys to kill Kid Gohan. I'm like, "But you like me.." So after my 8th time, I beat him. (I throw nothing but energy blast at him to throw him off, but hey it worked) The next bout was with Tien Shinhan verses Chiaotzu, Krillin, and Yamcha. That was kinda easier. Tien was by FAR the strongest in the group. Also, I enjoyed the tag-team system of the game.
Once your opponent reaches a certain power limit or killed, your character or emeny switches characters. NICE(but more on that in a future update). Ok, now after all that you take on Nappa(I just wish they put a part in there to let Goku train

with King Kaio-sama (King Kai). That kinda made me sad, but alast I digress. You fight as Nappa versus all 3-fighters= Tien,Krillin, and Chiaotzu(Yamcha is killed by the Saibaimen). Nappa is slow with his combos but STRONG. Tien was the Second to go, then Krillin, and last but not least Chiaotzu so try to self-destruct on my back(Punk). So I Nappa was the victor.
Next up was me as Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo. That got some getting used to. Gohan could start off strong but you had to get good position on Nappa, but I figured it out along the way. Next up was Piccolo with some new supers, then Krillin(he's a fast one) and I hit Nappa with his Destructo-Disc. After your character do damage they get traded out as I said early, and it has cut-scenes of Nappa getting really upset. I mean REALLY, The man get's energy back. I was like. FO-REAL DUH?!?!?! So It's back to Gohan (***sighs***),but now he's not afraid anymore and knows that his dad is coming. So you finish him up with your ultimate move or a super move. Then Nappa is EXTREMELY UPSET. I mean RUN! SO the cut-scene used is BEAUTIFUL!! The Blast from Nappa the look on Gohan's face, and Piccolo jumps in to take the Blast. I was like: "Whooooa..." Then the fool tells me to "Run." I'm like from Two Saiyans with scouters? Where am I gonna go? So after that. the next fight is Goku vs. Nappa, I'm like ALRIGHT!!
Nappa has more health than you which I thought was "CRAZY," but Goku is VERY POWERFUL. You'll look at the health difference after the first few punches and say: "No Problemo." Nappa is SLOW! And you have the Kaioken ability that evens out the entire situation. I waited to use Goku's Kaioken all up until the end before I total messed him up yelling: "You like pick in on people smaller then you, so PICK ON ME!!" Nappa was finished in one play to clear the level(Amazing right). Then Came the Big Match. Me and my Rival. Goku Verses Vegeta. I MESSED him up TOO!(LOL).The difference in the Kaioken
was beautiful. It was as if it was taken straight from the anime. You're in front of Vegeta, then on the side of him, and then kick him from behind. It was indeed eye dazzling. In my mind The kid in me screamed out: "DO IT AGAIN!!" So, I did(Goku Laugh). This report will continue at a later date. So Until the next episode of DRAGON-BALL-Z!!!

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